We engage in fixed scope and cost or time and materials models. Fixed scope and cost is more common for projects with set duration time, set cost, and known project boundaries. Time and materials may involve ongoing projects without set boundaries but need continuous iteration and deployment. We are open to discuss which contractual models best fit your needs and company working style.
Can project analysis require face time?
Yes, we are a virtual business meaning there are various means and infrastructure to communicate beyond the good ol telegram. Connect with us via Skype, screen share, conference call, cell, email, etc we are glad to hear from you. If you require face time, for a set fee we come meet you, thanks.
How many people will work on my project?
Depending on the size and scope of the project, we employ a staff with diverse skill sets in visionary graphic design, web & mobile design and development, and online marketing experience. We are not limited to a fixed set of personnel. We work based on agile development model and are flexible – able to rapidly adapt to your needs and staff the best suited personnel for your project in round the clock modular phased development with ongoing testing and improvement.
How much do you charge? Are you expensive?
We are neither cheap nor unnecessarily expensive. Our goal is to help you formulate the best customized plan and effectively produce value for your business for a reasonable fee in consideration of your budget. Our payment options include PayPal, we accept most credit cards and or bank wire transfers (transaction fees incurred by client).
How long does it take?
Depending on the size and scope of the project, average time can be anywhere from 2 to 5 months. We work based on agile development model and are flexible – able to rapidly adapt to your needs and staff the best suited personnel for your project in round the clock modular phased development with ongoing testing and improvement.
Do you have samples of your work?
Contact Us for samples of work or client references. Please do consider we tend to work under confidentiality agreements.
What makes you unique or different from other firms?
consultancy approach: Our ability to cut through the red tape in marketing communications, in order to focus on what matters: What is your growth model? How are you planning to interact with consumers? What should be done creatively to foster long term growth and sustainability? How will our integrated marketing strategies help you prosper? integrated campaigns: Are your users or potential customers receiving a unified message? Are your users engaging in a memorable online or digital experience? Is there a seamless approach to all your aspects of marketing initiatives from advertising, promotions, business development, public relations, social media communication? Let us help you refresh your brand, consolidate your initiatives and unify your message. flexibility & adaptability: From discovery to research and strategy, design and development, and usability testing – we can enter into any project phase and support you with brainstorming ideas, building information architecture and recommending solutions that produce…
What is your working process?
Research & Strategy + Information Architecture + GUI Design + Visual Communication + User Interaction = Results. You may find our dynamic working process details in Our Services page.